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Special Attention Database

The Special Attention Database allows you to store information about a client that you may wish to take into consideration prior to the preparation of their tax return. This database is designed to notify you at the front end of the return of any items that may require your attention, such as whether or not the client has a balance due from last year. The entries in this database pull forward from the previous year in the process of installing the program in the current year.

To access the Special Attention Database, from the Main Menu of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro select:

  • Configuration
  • Advanced Configuration (Macros)
  • Special Attention Database

To create an entry, select New. Enter the client’s SSN or EIN, then the name, after which a window will open that allows you to type a message. For example, if your client owes you money for preparing last year’s return, you can create a message in regards to their balance due. You can also indicate if you want the message to display on the screen when you begin or reopen the client’s tax return as well as when you exit the return.

Updated on September 8, 2020

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