The menu item “Import Desktop Returns” in Keystone Tax Solutions ProWeb is used by Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Desktop users transitioning to ProWeb.
Returns prepared in the desktop version of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro can be imported into ProWeb, however only limited data is imported. See the attached PDF for a description of what data is imported.
To import a return from the desktop version of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro into ProWeb:
- Log in to your ProWeb account on the same computer that the desktop version of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro is on. In an office where Keystone Tax Solutions Pro is being used in a network, this should be on the File Server. (Depending on your network configuration, it may be possible to log in on a different computer than the one designated as the file server for Keystone Tax Solutions Pro desktop. “Your mileage may vary.”)
- Select Import Desktop Returns
- Import the return using either of two ways:
- Select from a file list
- Click the “Drop files to upload” box.
- In the File Explorer window, navigate to This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Keystone Tax Solutions > 20xxNet > Data, where xx is the two-digit tax year.
- Click, drag, and drop the desired return onto the “Drop files to upload” box. Or, you can double-click the desired return. Multiple returns can also be imported by selecting each one with the Ctrl key depressed, and once all are selected click Open.
- Drag and drop
- Open a Windows File Explorer window to the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro directory where the returns are located. Generally this is C:\TaxSlayer\20xxNet\Data\, where xx is the two-digit tax year.
- Click, drag, and drop the return onto the “Drop files to upload” box.
- Select from a file list
Tax return data files are encrypted, and the file name provides no clue as to who the return is for. If, when looking at the File Explorer window, you are in doubt about what returns to import, contact our support staff for assistance.