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Santa Barbara TPG Desktop Program Setup

Once Santa Barbara TPG has approved your ERO Enrollment Application, you will be able to set your bank in the software. To access the Bank Setup Menu, from the main menu of of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Select:

  • Configuration
  • Electronic Filing / Bank Setup
  • Bank Setup Menu

Select 1. Bank Used for Bank Products:


Select Santa Barbara TPG:


The Santa Barbara TPG Bank Setup Options will be displayed on the screen:


1. Bank Used for Bank Products – Santa Barbara TPG

2. Can Offer Advances – The program will automatically default to Yes or No, depending on the response sent from Santa Barbara TPG. If you have been approved to offer advances and do not want to offer them to your clients, you can change this option to No. If you have not been approved by Santa Barbara TPG to offer advances, this option will default to no and cannot be changed. Refund advance options won’t be available in returns unless this option is set to YES.

3. Can Offer Pre-Ack Advances – The program will automatically default to Yes or No, depending on the response sent from Santa Barbara TPG. If you have been approved to offer pre-ack advances and do not want to offer them to your clients, you can change this option to No. If you have not been approved by Santa Barbara TPG to offer pre-ack advances, this option will default to no and cannot be changed. Pre-ack refund advance options won’t be available in returns unless this option is set to YES.

4. Offer Debit Cards – Select yes if you have been approved by Santa Barbara TPG to offer debit cards. If you have been approved by Santa Barbara TPG to offer debit cards and do not want to offer them to your clients, you can change this option to No. Debit card options won’t be available in returns unless this option is set to YES.

*Note – Santa Barbara TPG pre-paid debit cards must be ordered through Santa Barbara TPG.

5. Default Sending States Thru Bank – Set to YES to have the state refund automatically use the federal Santa Barbara TPG bank transfer option when marking the state return for e-file. Set to NO to manually select the state refund transfer option when marking the state return for e-file.

Updated on September 8, 2020

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