Icon at the top of the screen. Enter the SSN of the client or client list to view the status of their return.
ORSelect Client Status from the Main Menu of Keystone Tax Solutions.
Each tab contains information about the client’s return that will help you determine the current status of the return. Type in the taxpayer’s social security number and press the < ENTER > key or select the client from the client list. Once you select a return, the taxpayer’s information will populate on the menu.
The top section of the client status window displays general information about the taxpayer and the tax return.
• Primary and Secondary Name and SSN • Email Address • Federal Type • Process Date • Address • Office EFIN • State Type • Receipt Date • Phone Number(s) • Preparer Code • Program Version • IRS Transmission Date
Quick View Tab
IRS Center – The IRS Center shows where the return was processed
IRS Code – Displays either Accepted or Rejected after the return has been acknowledged by the IRS
Bank Date – The Bank Date will be present for returns containing bank products. It will display the date the bank application was sent to the bank
Bank Code – Displays either Accepted or Rejected after the application has been acknowledged by the bank
Federal Refund – Displays the anticipated refund to be funded by the IRS (This amount is pulled form the taxpayer’s tax return)
Federal Deposit – For bank product returns only. Displays the date and the amount of the IRS funding
State Deposit – For state bank product returns only. Displays the date and the amount of the state funding
Check # and Check Amount – For bank product returns only. Displays the check number and amount from the check printed for the taxpayer
Prep Fee – Displays your preparer feesE-File Fee – Displays the fee you charge for e-filing the return
Other Fee – Displays additional fees for ancillary products and service bureaus
Total Fees – Displays the total fees charged. A Paid or Not PD indicator is also displayed
Summary Tab
Contains IRS and bank transmission summary information pertaining to the client’s return, depending on what type of return has been filed. For example, a direct deposit return will appear different than a bank product return.
IRS Transmission Summary Bank Code IRS Accepted ACK Summary Checks Printed Acks Tab
Breaks down the acknowledgements received for the return. Each time the return is transmitted to the IRS, a separate row beginning with the date will appear on the Acks Tab.
IRS Acknowledgements State Acknowledgements Shows each check that has been issued for this taxpayer. If any checks are voided the original print date along with ‘voided’ will also show on this screen. This view will also show if the issued checks have been cashed by the taxpayer.
State Tab
Displays the state, the Electronic filing type on the return (direct deposit, electronic mailed, etc.), return type (resident, non-resident, part-year), refund or amount due, transmission date, accepted or rejected, and accepted date.
Other Tab
The Other Tab will display a secondary phone number, the taxpayer’s AGI, total tax, withholding, EIC, and the refund or amount due from the tax return.
Return Access history displays each time the return was accessed and exited. The return type, preparer and return data columns will update any time changes are made to the return.
Notes Tab
Allows the preparer to enter any information they feel relevant to this taxpayer. This information is not sent to the IRS, it is only contained within the Client Status screen.
Refund Status
Click this button to be taken to the IRS “Where’s My Refund?” web page. The program will automatically fill in all information from your client’s tax return. Select SUBMIT to process your clients refund status.
Please be aware that Keystone Tax Solutions has no control over when the IRS will release a refund to your client. If the IRS has acknowledged the return, you will see this noted on the Quick View Tab next to IRS Code. If the IRS has funded the account you will see this noted on the Quick View Tab next to Federal Deposit. If you feel that your client should have received their refund check by now, you may call the IRS at 1.800.829.4477 or visit Where’s My Refund.
Displays a PDF summary of client status information for the clientGo To Return
Opens the client’s tax return. Upon exiting the client’s tax return, you will return to their client status screen.
Client Status / Refund Status
The Client Status utility is used to check on the e-file status and bank product status for a taxpayer. You can check the status of a tax return from several places throughout the program. From the Main Menu of Keystone Tax Solutions select:
Updated on July 13, 2018