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2018 Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Program Instructions – Configuration/Usernames and Passwords/Security Roles

Initial Configuration

Step 1 Open the Program

Double‐click the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Icon. You will be greeted with a Keystone Tax Solutions Pro message advising you of the information that will need to be input in to the program during the initial configuration. Select OK. A summary of program security standards will be displayed on the screen. Read each section carefully. Click on the provided link to view step by step program setup instructions.

Step 2 Network Setup

If you are going to connect multiple computers to each other in one physical location, you will be using a “Network”. If you will only be using one computer per location OR will not be connecting multiple computers in the location, opting to have every computer setup as a standalone system, you will NOT be using a “Network”.

If you are not using a network, select No.

  • Continue with Step 3 below to complete program configuration.
  • You can always come back to the network setup options from the main menu of the program by selecting Configuration and then System/Network Configuration Menu.

If you intend to run Keystone Tax Solutions on a Network, select Yes. You will be asked a series of questions pertaining to your network setup. Refer to the Network Setup section of this guide for network setup procedures.

Step 3 Firm Information

At this screen, simply fill in all of the required information.

Tip – When entering the name and address of your firm, do not enter characters such as apostrophes, commas, periods, etc. If you enter any of these characters by mistake, the program will prompt you to remove them before continuing.

The IRS requires that your unique EFIN Validation Code be entered in the software. Your EFIN Validation code can be found by logging in to your Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Account Hub:

  • Home Screen
  • Click View under the subcategory Account History
  • Copy the code “7Q0xxxxxxxxx” from the example line below ensuring that you check the year that the code is for.

(Payment – Order #1xxx EFIN validation code 7Q0xxxxxxxxx. You will need to enter this into your 2018 Software)

You can manually enter the Validation Code or copy and paste it into the space provided in the Firm Information Menu.

Step 4 Create an Admin Account

The 2018 Keystone Tax Solutions Pro program includes a set of predefined security roles. Roles will be used to set permissions for each preparer. The default ADMIN Account Role will be used to manage permissions for preparers as well as manage preparer usernames and passwords.  The ADMIN Account Role cannot be edited. The ADMIN Account username is ADMIN. This username cannot be changed.

You will be prompted to create a password for the default Admin Account. The password must contain between 8 and 30 characters and use both uppercase and lowercase letters, use a number and use a special character.

You will also be prompted to create a security question and answer for the Admin Account. The security question will be used to verify the Admin Account if you forget your password.

Step 5 Enter/Edit Preparers

If Keystone Tax Solutions Pro 2018 is installed on your computer, you will be prompted with a question asking to Pull Preparers from Prior Year. If you would like to pull the preparers forward, select Yes.  Once the preparers have been pulled forward, you can edit or delete information pertaining to each preparer.

NOTE: Prior year usernames, passwords and assigned security roles will pull forward to the 2018 program. These settings can be modified from the Preparer Setup Menu.

Adding New Preparers 

If you do not pull forward preparers from the prior year, you will be given the option to enter preparers. To enter a preparer, select New. You will be prompted to enter a Preparer Code. A unique preparer code must be assigned to each preparer entered. You can use any number from 1 to 99999. Next, enter the preparer’s SSN, PTIN, first name, middle initial, and last name. Enter a username that the preparer will use to log into the program. The preparer will create their own password when they log into the program for the first time.

Select OK to proceed to the Preparer Edit Menu. The Preparer Edit Menu will give you the option to change the Preparer Practitioner PIN, enter the preparer’s power of attorney information (if the preparer is an Acceptance Agent), and set program permissions and security for the preparer. For detailed information on Program Security, visit the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Knowledgebase and search for keywords “Security Roles.”

Security Roles – New preparers are assigned the default security role “Super User.” A Super User has access to all areas of the program except Firm and Preparer Information. A Super User also has unlimited access to tax returns. To change the default security role, select Preparer Security > Role.

Step 6 Bank Setup

If you will be offering bank products, we encourage you to apply with a bank as soon as possible if you have not already done so. The following banks are affiliated with Keystone Tax Solutions Pro: Refund Advantage, Refundo, Republic Bank, River City, Santa Barbara TPG and EPS. If you are already approved with a bank, the bank should appear in the pick list. If you do not see your approved bank, please contact Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Sales.

Step 7 Fee Setup Menu

Fees entered in to the Fees Menu will be used to calculate the total tax return fee that will appear on the Client Invoice. If you used Keystone Tax Solutions Pro last year, or you entered your fees in to the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro demo program, you can pull the fees forward by clicking the Pull Prior Year Fees button. To change a fee or to enter a new fee, select the line for the form and enter the fee. If you charge by the hour, check the box in the lower left‐hand corner of the screen. Default Custom Fees and Custom Discounts can also be created from the Fees menu. Select the Exit button when you have finished configuring your fees.

Step 8 Client Letters

You will be prompted to pull forward each customizable client letter from the prior year. If you made changes to any of the client letters and would like to pull the changes forward, select Yes.

Step 9 Path Menu

The settings defined within the Path Menu tell the program where prior year data is located and the path to a secondary backup drive.

Prior Year – The prior year path will only need to be changed in an unusual situation, and the default path is generally correct. If the prior year path is changed and incorrectly specified you will not be able to pull prior year client data forward into the current year’s return. Edit this item only if you know the prior year data is not stored in the directory path indicated, but with this important caveat: Prior year data must be installed on the same drive as the current year’s installation.

To change the location, select Prior Path and enter the absolute DOS path, i.e., the drive letter followed by a colon plus the directory location on the drive with each directory separated by a backslash. If you need assistance, please call Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Technical Support.

Secondary Backup Path – A secondary backup can be specified here if desired. This backup is generally to a removable drive, such as a thumb drive or external hard drive. (Secondary backup to a cloud location is not supported.) To set up a secondary backup path for your tax returns, do the following:

  • Plug the drive into the computer
  • Select Secondary Backup Path, and select the drive letter for the drive.

Two caveats about the secondary backup drive if you have one specified here:

  • The drive must be plugged into the computer when working on returns. If it is unplugged, you will receive an error message when exiting a return that the return could not be saved to it.
  • Only return data is backed up. PDFs of the return as well as supporting documents, such as driver’s license images, aren’t saved.

Step 10 MACRO Setup

A MACRO, by definition, is a shortcut to a task you do repeatedly. For purposes of tax preparation, MACROs reduce the number of keystrokes required to complete a return. If you have prior year Keystone Tax Solutions Pro installed, you can pull forward your MACROs. If not, you can enter MACROs now or you can re‐enter the Configuration Menu and type in your MACROs later.

Step 11 Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Premium

If you purchased Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Premium, the program will guide you through the process of configuring premium features. Enter your email address. The email method will automatically be defaulted to Keystone Tax Solutions Pro. For a description of other email options, visit the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Knowledgebase and search for keywords “Premium Options.”

Several other premium options can be configured from the Premium Configuration Menu. Visit the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Knowledgebase and search for keywords “Premium Options” for detailed information on all the Premium features. If you would like to upgrade to Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Premium and take advantage of the TaxesToGo Mobile App, online client status, text messaging, and PaperCut, contact Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Sales at 1.888.420.1040.

*Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Premium can be activated after the initial configuration by selecting Configuration from the main menu of Keystone Tax Solutions Pro. Next choose Configure Premium Options. To activate Paper Cut, change “Use Paper Cut Paperless Office Option” to Yes. To activate the Text Messaging feature, change “Send Text Message to Clients” to Yes.

Step 12 Exit Configuration – Once you have completed the initial configuration, Keystone Tax Solutions Pro will close to apply all the new settings to the program. Before exiting, check your system date. If the date displayed is not correct, change the date by clicking the time display in the bottom right‐hand corner of your screen.

When you re‐open the program, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Enter your username in the space provided and select Ok. The program will prompt new preparers to enter and confirm their password. New preparers will also be prompted to select a security question and provide an answer. The security question will be used to recover your password in case it is forgotten.

Network Setup

Setting up the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro network takes only a few minutes if your office network is already working properly.

IMPORTANT – If your office network is not set up or is not functioning properly, our Keystone Tax Solutions Pro technicians will not be able to assist you in setting up the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro network. You will need to contact your local network technician for assistance.

Here are a few items to consider when setting up the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro network:

  • The Keystone Tax Solutions Pro Network operates in a peer‐to‐peer environment. This means that the Keystone Tax Solutions Pro program must be installed on each computer in your office. The program cannot be installed on a file server and distributed to each workstation.
  • If you have multiple user accounts on your office network, every user must have an account on each computer in the office. For example, if on your transmitting computer you have an account for Charles, Beth, and John you must also have a user account for Charles, Beth, and John on each workstation.
  • Permissions – ‘Full Control’ or at least ‘Modify’ privileges need to be set for the ‘Everyone’ group on the Keystone Tax Solutions folder located on the Transmitting computer before the workstations and transmitting computer can share return information.
  • File and Printer Sharing – Make sure that File and Printer Sharing is enabled in your network settings for your operating system and within your anti‐virus program. Some newer anti‐virus programs will block file sharing on networks.

If you are not familiar with the information listed above, we suggest contacting a network or computer technician to assist with the network setup.

Once the office network is set up, follow the steps below to network Keystone Tax Solutions Pro.

Transmitting Computer:

During initial configuration of the program, you will be asked if this computer is the File Server. Select

Yes. You will then be asked if this is the transmitting computer. Select Yes. The computer’s name and Local IP address will automatically populate.

To return to the System/Network Configuration Menu after initial configuration, from the main menu of the program select 7. Configuration. 5. System/Network Configuration Menu.

Logging In

ADMIN Account – The 2018 Keystone Tax Solutions Pro program includes a set of predefined security roles. Roles will be used to set permissions for each preparer. The program includes a pre‐defined default ADMIN Account Role which is used to manage permissions for preparers as well as manage preparer usernames and passwords.  The ADMIN Account Role cannot be edited. The ADMIN Account username is ADMIN. During the initial configuration of the program, the you will be prompted to create a password and a security question and answer for the ADMIN account.

Usernames – Each preparer using the software must log into the program using a unique username and password. During the initial configuration of the program, you will be prompted to assign (or pull forward from the prior year’s software) a unique username for each preparer entered in the Preparer’s Menu.

Passwords – Each preparer associated with your firm must use their assigned username and a strong password to access the tax program. When a preparer logs into the software for the first time with their assigned username, they will be prompted to create a password and a security question and answer.

Passwords are required to expire periodically and must be reset every 180 days.

NOTE: If your initial startup of the program does not prompt you to log in, your program is experiencing issues and we recommend that you contact support immediately.

Security Roles

Security Roles – New preparers are assigned the default security role “Super User.” A Super User has access to all areas of the program except Firm and Preparer Information. A Super User also has unlimited access to tax returns. To change the default security role:

  • Configuration
  • Firm/ERO/Preparer Setup
  • Preparer(s) Menu
  • Select Preparer
  • Preparer Security
  • Role
  • Choose Desired Role
Updated on September 8, 2020

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