The IRS offers several alternatives to paying taxes by check or money order. To pay an amount due with a credit card, the client may call one of the phone numbers or visit one of the websites listed below. Keystone Tax Solutions is not affiliated or responsible for any transactions made through these providers.
• 1.888.PAY.1040 (1.888.729.1040) • 1.888.9.PAY.TAX (1.888.972.9829) • 1.888.U.PAY.TAX (1.888.872.9829) • IRS Electronic Payment Options Home Page •
The service providers will charge a convenience fee based on the amount of taxes that are being paid. The fees and type of credit or debit cards accepted may vary between providers. The client will be informed of the amount of the fee during the transaction and given the option to continue or end the transaction.