Credit Card Payments | 1.888.872.9829 Official Payments 1.888.972.9829 Pay USA Tax 1.888.729.1040 Pay 1040 |
Pay actual/estimated individual income tax |
EFTPS Customer Service | 1.800.555.4477 Business 1.800.316.6541 Individual |
A tax payment system provided free by the U.S. Department of Treasury |
Employer Identification Numbers | 1.800.829.4933 | Apply for a new EIN |
Exempt Organization Business Assistance | 1.877.829.5500 | For assistance with Exempt Organization Business Returns |
IRS Business Assistance | 1.800.829.4933 | For assistance with completing Business Returns |
IRS E-File Help Desk | 1.866.255.0654 | For E-Filing assistance |
Refund Status | 1.800.829.1954 | To check the status of a Taxpayer’s refund |
Identity Theft | 1.800.908.4490 | To report identity theft (automated and live assistance) |
Tax Fraud | 1.800.829.0433 | To report tax fraud |
Social Security Administration | 1.800.772.1213 | For assistance with SSN’s, ITIN’s, etc. |
Taxpayer Advocate | 1.800.777.4778 | For assistance with resolving problems with IRS |
Tax Assistance | 1.800.829.1040 | For assistance with individual tax returns |
Practitioner Priority Service | 1.866.860.4259 | Help for tax practitioners |
PTIN Information Line | 1.877.613.7846 | Answer all PTIN related questions |
Frequently Used IRS Contact Numbers
Updated on July 9, 2018