Employer Identification Numbers | 800.829.4933 | To apply for a new EIN |
Exempt Organization / Non-profits Assistance | 877.829.5500 | For assistance with Exempt Organization Returns |
IRS Business Assistance | 800.829.4933 | For assistance with Business Returns |
E-File Help Desk | 866.255.0654 | For E-Filing assistance |
Economic Impact Payments | 800.919.9835 | Coronavirus / EIP payments questions |
Estate and gift taxes (Forms 706 and 709) | 866.699.4083 | |
Refund Status Hotline | 800.829.1954 | To check the status of a Taxpayer’s refund (irs.gov) |
Financial Management Service | 888.826.3127 | Administers the Treasury Offset Program for collecting delinquent debts |
Identity Theft / Protection | 800.908.4490 | To report identity theft (automated and live assistance) |
Tax Fraud | 800.829.0433 | To report tax fraud |
Taxpayer Advocate | 800.777.4778 | For assistance with resolving problems with IRS |
Tax Assistance | 800.829.1040 | For assistance with individual tax returns |
International Tax Assistance | 267.941.1000 | M-F 0600-2300 EST |
Schedule face-to-face appointment | 844.545.5640 | Find local office here |
Practitioner Priority Service | 866.860.4259 | Help for tax practitioners |
PTIN Information Line | 877.613.7846 | For PTIN-related questions |
Phone numbers for other agencies:
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) Customer Service | 800.555.4477 | The tax payment service provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (eftps.gov) |
Federal Trade Commission | 877.438.4338 | To report identity theft (consumer.ftc.gov) |
Social Security Administration | 800.772.1213 | For assistance with SSNs (ssa.gov) |