Other Income
Use this line to report any taxable income that is not reported somewhere else on the return. Examples of income to include on this line include prizes and awards, jury duty pay, Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, and reimbursements received for items deducted in a previous year. Refer to IRS Publication 525 and Form 1040 Instructions for examples of other income to include on this line.
To enter an amount of Other Income, select New and enter a description, the amount, and indicate whether or not the income is considered earned income.
Form 1099-MISC Other Income
The program pulls this amount from entries entered on Form 1099-MISC, box 3 that were not linked to a Schedule C, E or F. For more information, see Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income.
Qualified Education Program Payments (1099-Q)
Cancellation of Debt (1099-C) NOL Carryover from Prior Year(s)
Gambling Winnings (W-2G) Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (2555)
Income from Forms 6478, 8814, 8853, 8864 & 8889
The program pulls this amount from entries made on these forms.
Section 933 Excluded Income from Puerto Rico
Per IRC section 933, a U.S. citizen who is a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico during the entire taxable year is generally required to file a U.S. Income tax return if they
- receive income from sources outside Puerto Rico, or
- receive income as a civilian or military employee of the U.S. Government in Puerto Rico.
The income received from Puerto Rican sources is not subject to U.S. income tax, however a return containing both exempt and non-exempt income will need to allocate part of the standard deduction or itemized deductions, whichever is used, to the exempt income. Refer to IRS Publication 1321 for the instructions on calculating the allocation as well as determining if a return must be filed.
Medicaid Waiver Payments included on Form W-2 Box 1
The program pulls this amount from Form W-2, box e. For more information, see Medicaid Waiver Payments – Notice 2014-7
Medicaid Waiver Payments included on Form 1099-MISC Box 3
The program pulls this amount from Form 1099-MISC, box 3. For more information, see Medicaid Waiver Payments – Notice 2014-7