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Printer/Copies Setup Menu

Printer Setup: Allows you to select which printer will be used for for printing tax returns and receipts. The list of printers is drawn from Windows, so if the printer you wish to use is not listed, add it in Windows, then return to this menu.

Edit Individual Print Options: Allows you to select the forms and quantities for individual tax return print sets.

Edit Business Print Options: Allows you to select the forms and quantities for business tax return print sets.

Print Mailing Labels: Print Mailing Labels using Avery 5160 labels

Edit the Client Letter: Customize how the Client Letter prints with the tax returns.

Edit the Cover Page: Customize how the Cover Page prints with the tax returns.

Edit the Client Invoice: Customize how the Client Invoice prints and what information it prints on the tax return.

Advanced Print Setup: Multitude of more obscure printing options

E-File Menu 8879 Question Default: When exiting the 8879 menu, the program will ask if you want to print Form 8879 now. The default selection is set to YES, however you can set the default selection to NO or Skip Question.

Main Menu 7216 Question Default: Section 7216 of the Internal Revenue Code regulates the use and disclosure of tax return information by tax preparers. To comply with the regulation, you should have each client sign a Consent to Use Disclosure prior to beginning their tax return if you are offering any services in addition to tax preparation (i.e., Instant Loans, Advances, Electronic Refund Checks, Insurance and/or Investments). The default selection is set to YES, however you can set the default selection to NO or Skip Question

Select Printer when Printing: If you have multiple printers that you might print tax returns to, set this option to YES to give you the ability to choose the printer you wish to use while in the return.

Print Using Bold Font: If you want to bold the amounts printed on the tax return, set this option to YES. This is primarily beneficial for legacy dot matrix printers but may slow the printing process on laster printers as well as provide no noticeable difference in print quality.

Updated on September 8, 2020

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