E-File Reports:
- Transmission Confirmation: This is our ‘Receipt’ to you indicating that we have received your Transmission. This report can only be printed at the time of transmission. If you do not receive a transmission confirmation report, the Keystone Tax Solutions secure servers DID NOT receive your transmission. You must send the transmission again.
- IRS Acknowledgments: These are the Acknowledgments that detail whether a Federal Return was Accepted or Rejected.
- State Acknowledgments: These are the Acknowledgments that detail whether a State Return was Accepted or Rejected.
Bank Reports:
- Bank Receipts: The Bank Receipts Report notifies you of any bank applications that were received at the bank level. The bank application has been accepted by the bank for the taxpayer’s listed on the report.
- Bank Disbursements: This report shows when the Refund has been received and the money has been disbursed to the bank, ERO and Taxpayer.
- Bank Fee Deposits: After the Bank Products have been processed and the fees are collected, this report indicates the fees that were deposited into the ERO’s Account. When you have received your fees, the returns will be marked paid in the Master Report.
- Bank Funding: This report shows client refunds that have been funded to the bank from the IRS.
- Bank Rejects: This report indicates any bank reject codes on applications that were not able to be processed due to errors.
- Bank Check Prints: This report shows when checks are ready to be printed on the Bank’s website.
Extension Reports:
To access extension reports, from the main menu of Keystone Tax Solutions select:
- E-file
- Automatic Extension Application (Form 4868)
- Extension Reports:
Print All Extensions: Prints a report of all extensions that have been entered into the program.
Print Paper Extensions: Prints a report of all extensions that have not been marked for electronic filing.
Print Electronic Extensions: Prints a report of all extensions that have been marked for electronic filing.
Printed Accepted Extensions: Prints a report of all extensions that have been accepted by the IRS.
Print Not Accepted Extensions: Prints a report of all extensions that have been rejected by the IRS or that have not yet been transmitted.
Print Extension Filed Return Not Completed: Prints a report of all extensions that have been prepared, where the tax return has yet to be completed.
Print Report or Labels?: Change this option to Labels if you would like to print mailing labels for the clients listed on the reports above.